the road ahead...

the road ahead...
I learned that sometimes a [life] journey can take you to a place that is not on any map. Cold Fever

Friday, August 26, 2011

Finally taking that step forward...

Why do they always teach us that it is easy and evil to do what we want and that we need discipline to restrain ourselves. It's the hardest thing in the world--to do what we want. And it takes the greatest kind of courage. -Ayn Rand, in The Fountainhead

It is very easy to daydream about traveling and all the adventures that I could have while pursing my passions, but when it is actually time to jump, to act, it suddenly seems dizzying and overwhelming. For so many years I was absorbed in all that I should be doing, getting good grades in science classes for medical school, going to medical school and trying to convince myself I needed to be there, that I lost sight of myself and what drives me. I was living my life for other people, and that "selfless" act everyone respected, saying it was noble, but it meant however, that I was losing my "self", which is a high price to pay.

Leaving medical school was a traumatic event in my history, with family that was not supportive and did not understand. However, listening to what feels right for me, I learned that my internal compass will not lead me astray. I finally feel certain that I am on the right track, and while I think I took my "first step" a ways I prepare myself for my flight this Sunday to Buenos Aires, Argentina, which will be my home for 4 months, I feel like I am about to take another first and important step toward pursuing my passions and dreams.

As every experience in life can teach you a lesson, I learned that I will no longer let other people tell me what I can or cannot accomplish, what is or is not a feasible goal...Life after all, is a safari, and it is not only the destination that is important but the journey and path that we choose that leads us there. With that in mind I carry with me my previous experiences, all that has influenced me and helped shape me, and continue forward, ready to experience, and learn as I go....

This blog is my experiment and attempt to capture my journey, wherever it may lead me...Thanks for reading, and enjoy it as it develops...

First stop Buenos Aires!



  1. Love your post and have a safe trip!!! I'm glad that you're doing what you love doing and not what other people are telling you to do! High five :D Hopefully I'll update my blog more often.. :p xoxo

  2. Exciting! I hope you have an amazing journey and keep blogging. Although, I was a little suspicious with the Ayn Rand but...yay Ouagadougou!

    Oh, it's Mariel jeje

  3. Yeah, I was kinda bummed you started with Ayn Rand...but when you take what she says out of context and separate the quote from her NUTBALL view of life...she can sound smart. Just don't quote Michele Bachmann or Rick Perry next! I love your honestly in the blog. You have made very difficult decisions...and even though I waited MUCH longer than you did, I made one this year, too. Well, SOME Assini's had to wander!! Keep writing with your wonderful spirit and heart!

  4. Alicia, I'm so proud of you for following your heart! I'm still working on it myself at times - I'll be reading to gain inspiration from you :) Best wishes in all of your adventures!
